Hello, Xen of Onslaught. This is Zigkirby of The Sock Society. While normally it is not my style to advertise so blatantly, I would like you to consider membership in The Sock Society. What does this mean exactly? If you don't know what [SOCK]'s goals are, you may find them on the website (which I admit is pretty bland at the moment, but we're working on it), which can be found here: http://www.themortalrealm.com/thesocksociety/ Of course [SOCK] is a society which does not require a guild membership, so it is 100% guaranteed not to take members from you. Aside from any donations and requests you are associated with, it will not have any outside influence on Xen of Onslaught as well. If you reject my request feel free to delete this post, but I ask you at least review the possible benefits The Sock Society could give you. Thank you for your time. -Zigkirby