Hmm... where to start... where to start... The Good: Brenden Fraiser - once again delivers an excellent performance as O'Connell, never would get tired of him kicking ass against the undead. John Hanna - again perfect butt to everyones joke, kept the funny comming as needed. The Bad: Evee - I'm sorry, BRING BACK THE OLD ACTOR, THE NEW ONE SUCKS!!! Jet Li - I'm sorry, you just weren't scary or convincing... I wanna see a grudge match between Imhotep and him, maybe then I'll be interested, cause Imhotep was a cooler character. The Plot: A weak plot considering the past two and even Scorpion King... it's really a bit dissapointing. Overall, it's a mummy movie, ubt it really falls short of the first two... maybe The Mummy 4 will improve things (Yes they are working on a 4th... in Peru...) -KM
/agree new evie sucks, old one is better. Reason for the new one you ask? Because Rachel Weisz the original one, she saw the script, and pleaded with the director to rewrite it or change some of it, but they wouldn't, so she left and backed out. Basically because the script sucked.
My thoughts on it: Story was ok. There were some blatant stupidities on most of the character's parts at one scene (i wont spoil it, but those who saw this know what im talking about, right before jet li turns into the dragon (and that not a spoiler, its in the trailer)). Action... coulda had more Jet Li fight scenes. Brendan was good, son was good, i agree that they needed Rachel back as Evie. Frankly Immohtep was more of a badass than the emperor was.
I don't want to see it in case it ruins my memories of the first two, which were great fun if not taken too seriously.