I'm sure all of you know how much time and effort Jeb has been putting into the website and the community, especially in the past couple of weeks with the redesigning of the site. He has selflessly spent many sleepless nights working diligently to provide us with a place to commune and organize. Jeb has been doing this out of the passion that he feels for Xen of Onslaught and hasn't asked for any kind of compensation for his work. Well, my plan was for us to collect some dough to get Jeb something for his effort here, but he being Mr. Humble would rather not take anything anything from the community. I sent the donations that were made anonymously to donations@xoohq.com. Either way, Jeb, thanks for helping us out like you do and don't hesitate to ask if you ever need anything.
jeb just won the lottery here in halifax, he was in the news, he won 37 million. Soo send it to me instead please and ty.
For those who may be wary of sending money to this Tribat dude....he's very much a righteous guy. I'm a lawyer and I have no hesitation in sending him my hard-earned dough. (of course this begs the question: who the hell am I? and how good a lawyer can I be if I'm sending strangers $ over the internets? In fact...what kind of weirdo am I that I play video games and chat with faceless geeks on my computer? Damn. You're right. /gquit) *but Tribat really is a good guy (and that's based on knowing him over 2 yrs. and being a female with good radar)
the guy has a XoO tattoo on his arm... i vote that's enough dedication to take donations to give to a member of the site also, many <3s to Jeb
lol @ van. But yeah, I'm putting up my money too so I have no reason to try and scam you all. That's silly. But enough about me. That's not what this thread is about.
lol thanks everyone... I have been enjoying the long weekend that I took off with the exception of the activity meter though so I haven't been working non stop Honestly though I don't want you guys to do the donations It's a nice thought and all, but I don't' feel that is needed. If anyone sent anything though, fire it off to dash to put towards the monthly XoO costs for the site etc.
Will do, but I wish there was some way for us to give back to you for the effort you've put into our site.
what I want the most from XoO right now is for people to take a fresh look at things... let old bias go, and try to adapt to some new ideas as we try them. I feel a lot of people are stuck on the old way we did things, and this rebuild of the site is a perfect time to try some fresh ideas and changes that could help stir things up a bit in XoO.
Thanks so much for everything Jeb Yea I have been looking at the new forums as a fresh start for XoO from all the drama that was on the old forums so let the old grudges die guys and have fun.
Another Halifax guy...awesome Jeb, if you go out for drinks and see me, (I had pictures posted, I think they are gone...) let me know and drinks are on me for the night