The cure thread!

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Moon, Jan 18, 2009.

  1. Moon

    Moon Guest

  2. Lev

    Lev Banned

  3. Moon

    Moon Guest

  4. dedicates that song to sipo. :(
  5. Lev

    Lev Banned

  6. Molotof

    Molotof Guest

    you know for a second i thought this thread was a joke cause i thought there is no way this group knows or cares about the cure...then i remembered that some of us are older and know better.
    i'll have to come back to which song is my fav...but for now i think you should put on some Japanese Whispers.
    some of the best acid i did was in a car i stole while enjoying Disintegration/Mixed Up...good times.
  7. The cure is friggin amazing! I flew over to Toronto last spring to see them (and in the fall, but they post poned it from the fall to the spring).

    @Lev: I'm pretty sure that video is older than I am :p (or early-mid 90s). That may or may not have been the style back then.
  8. I had pretty much the same reaction. I see the words "the cure" and think The Cure.

    That means that the Susan B. Komen Race For The Cure always throws me for a minute.

    So I thought this thread would be about, you know, the cure to...something. The cure for cancer. The cure for for boredom. The cure for your computer video problems. I didn't really think that finally I was actually reading something that was really about THE CURE.

    Yay. :D

    I was definitely into the whole goth/dark wave scene for a while, so The Cure has a very solid place in my history.
  9. Oh, by the way.... if you get the chance to see them play, do it! Its absolutely amazing. I was at the 4tour, and it was pretty much the original band.... and they didn't take a break between the start and 3 hours later (the break before the encore).

    I was quite impressed, considering Smith is older than my parents :O