Go get your packs now! To buy a pack go to https://chroniclesofelyria.com/. Remember layaway will be open this month as well, so I recommend people purchase the lowest pack ($35) then just put their desired pack on layaway. Then just pay off that pack in your leisure. To secure access to all the alphas (February/March time frame) and betas (unknown), you can pay $350.00 (Astro Pack). Make sure to do layaway or buy your pack before the end of October! Rates will change! Also remember if you buy your pack and don't want to get a higher pack, but you want to contribute to the guild we have a crowdfunding link up https://www.xoohq.com/threads/coe-webstore-launch-oct-3rd-crowdfunding-beginning.48147/#post-426251. Reminder that it is actually cheaper to buy a spark of life now then wait later, and you can always buy additional IP. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Anivar.