Went to go see this movie yesterday and glad I did. The movie actually had a plot, with lots of action and comedy. The comedy in this thing is gold. I don't want to spoil anything, but stay all the way to the end through the credits, it is well worth it. Highly recommend this movie.
Just got back from it. I agree 110% The action is good, the actors are good and there is some seriously funny stuff. I would see this movie again without a doubt. Spoiler I died laughing after the Hulk and Thor took down the dragon thing and Hulk punched Thor after they were standing on the things head for a few seconds side by side.
I'll be going to see this later today. It'll be the first 3D movie I've seen and the first time I've been to see a movie in theaters in about 7 years.
I saw it in 3d and I did enjoy it. My complaint about 3d still is that the glasses are uncomfortable as hell and the 3d film ruins the backgrounds. It makes them all blurry to allow the 3d to show through. I kept a pair of the glasses and I am going to try and rig something up to fit in my pair of oakley radars.
It was much funnier than I thought it would have been. Definitely stay til the lights come up. There are 2 after credits scenes.
agreed, they definitely worked on the pacing problems that you can imagine would occur from any superhero movie let alone a group of superheros in one movie It really seemed that every superhero had their moments of badassery and comic relief to break up the scenes a bit. Loved every minute of it. As for the scenes, I hear only the US (maybe NA?) got the 2nd scene (after the full credits) while other regions only got the one after the stylized credits. It might also be that versions released on or after the US release get it too (as opposed to the ones that got it the week before).
I didn't have any issues with the 3D glasses. They fit right over my prescription pair and I never noticed them. I did REALLY enjoy the movie. It was a good balance of plot, comedic elements and character development. They didn't go after board with the 3D, (i.e. thing flying at you as a cheap gimmick) and I wasn't bored. The pace was good and I wasn't running an internal monologue hoping that would get the plot to run by quicker.
I hope I have time this weekend to see it. [video]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/546185_449435658419226_205344452828349_100678986_2 6897442_n.jpg[/video]
Saw this yesturday with my girlfriend. I had a BLAST and would most certainly see it again and buy to own, she went in expecting not much from it(not a comic fan) and really enjoy herself. Great movie, so fricken great.