The Task Force section has been now made public (to some extent, as there are still a few privated areas) so you can see any changes or ideas that the Task Force have or are working on and make suggestions and comments in the appropriate section - Suggestions and Feedback which is now also located under Task Force. Only members will be able to view this section so guests and recruits (people under 30 days registered and 5 posts) will not be able to view the suggestions area or the Task Force area. As always Task Force is under the admin purview, but leading the Task Force will be Arimil who will now organize and get things moving. We are also currently recruiting for the Task Force. Any qualified coders, graphics artists, video/audio editors, etc are welcomed to apply via the applications page.
Grats Arimil!!! I flipped through some of the Task Force forum - you guys have been really busy!! Nice to be able to see everything you guys are doing.
I was about to say the same thing, Task Force has been working over time it seems, ever since the overhaul of the new forums/website - XoO has been running in overdrive! Glad to see it.
I have not been doing much but since the TF section of the forum is now public this may give me an opportunity to get people together to get our beloved XoO Podcast's up and going again.
Also opened up Active Jobs such that people can post replies. You cannot create threads, but you can offer advice. Still a member only function.