Character Name, Class, and Main Spec: Swiftzz, Mage, Torment of the Weak Fireball Applying for position: Raider or Friend Raider Armory Link: 1. Talent Spec (List any dual specs or explain situational talent picks): 19/52/0 – Torment of the Weak Fire Ball. I chose to take one point out of World in Flames and one out of Student of the Mind to put 2 points into Magic Absorption because there are many fights where you get hit with magic AoE Damage it helps regenerate some of the Mana with this Spec. This Spec can cause a lot of threat so I make sure to use my Mirror Image or Invisibility (If Needed) to mitigate my threat. 0/53/18 – Traditional Frostfirebolt – I took one point out of Flame Throwing and Put one point into Blast Wave to add an extra burst for instant AoE Damage when needed. Also I have Glyph of Blast Wave to reduce the Mana Cost. I use this spec on longer fights. Although I have been using this spec a lot more lately I have a different gear setup for both Specs I did player Arcane 57/3/11 during Nax/Maly/OS and I am interested in playing it again if the changes actually make it worthwhile in 3.2.2 2. Professions and how they help your raid performance: Tailoring – Lightweave Embroidery is a huge DPS increase. It procs a ton, the extra +295 Spell Power for 15 Seconds is a solid DPS increase. Enchanting – Having +23 Spell Power on Both Rings . Being able to DE old Gear or unused gear to easily enchant new gear is a plus. I’ve been Tailoring/Enchanting since Vanilla 3. How long have you played WoW and what is your PvE progression? I started off as Rogue on Warsong leveled that character to around 40 then rolled a Mage on Archimonde I joined a guild called Discordia with a few of my friends from WC3. There we were the first guild to kill Onyxia on a live Blizz server. Several of the member left to reroll Alliance on Shattered Hand to join Death and Taxes. During BWL i joined a top 25 US Raiding guild called Nightmares Aslyum. I have Cleared all content in Vanilla including Nax and Kel' Thuzad. During The Burning Crusade I raided some of TK and SSC but had to take a break from WoW because my guild had split when I got back from vacation. A number of the members rerolled Alliance with Deus Vox, and I did not have the time to reroll from scratch. WoTLK – Nax/Malygos/Sartharion/Ulduar up to Yogg Saron 25/ Ulduar 10 a few hard modes/ToC 10 & 25 I have a 120 days played on my Mage. 4. PvP influences and impact on raiding: I don’t really PvP Much only just messing around. 5. Age (18 is required with limited exceptions): 23 6. Location and living arrangement (wife, children, dorm, etc): NYC, I live with my Family 7. Occupation outside of WoW and any scheduling issues it creates: I go to school part time and work part time as a Computer Technician. I work till 6 EST so it would not conflict with raiding schedules. 8. Your old/current guild and why you are leaving them (Include old guild's name or we could think you've joined them and dismiss your app): Currently I’m in XoO as a friend. Started off in WoTLK in Fallen Angels of Illidan from there we became Death or Glory, then we merged with Impact. After I didn’t like the guild I was in Impact, I felt there wasn’t much room for progression. I rerolled an Alliance Mage with some real life friends. That guild had fell apart we were up to Yogg-Saron when people just stopped showing up do to summer and the guild basically crumbled. 9. How did you hear about Xen; list any references within the guild: Limegreen, Norefund, Ologhai, Elystus 10. List consumables you carry to raid to include food when a fish feast isn't provided: Flasks of the Frostwyrm, Potions of Haste, Potions of Wild Magic, Runic Mana Potions and Runic Health Potions, Firecracker Salmon 11. What conflicts do you have with our raid schedule listed above? None 12. Submit a damage/healing meter such as Recount (Screenshot to include player breakdown of attack %'s),WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs listing. (If one is not available, explain why): Haven’t done a raid recently where WWS or World of Logs was used. 13. Provide a UI screenshot inside a raid (If one is not available, explain why): Screenshot is in the links above for UI 14. Final comments you feel could help your application I am a very dedicated raider. I know my class inside and out. I am easy to get along with. I consider myself a Min/Max player because I will do what ever it takes to even get even a slight DPS increase. I constantly Theory Craft my gear/gem choices etc to determine what will give me the best Damage/DPS output. Being a Friend member of XoO has given me an inside look on the guild and I can tell it is a solid raiding guild. I know I am not exalted with Sons of Hodir(yet) but I have been working on it to get my Exalted Shoulder enchant my reputation is currently Revered.
who isn't a raider a lot of it is formality and making sure we have the spot and the rest is making sure he's on the forums and able to post about being late etc. very solid app. definitely better than we see of people that have never been a part of us at all. as i said while somewhat distracted last night, i've seen a few instances where paying more attention would help you, but i believe with some of our on again off again raiders going off again, you can move up from friend to raider most likely.
I will definitely pay more attention during raids and if I am ever going to be late posting on forums will be no problem I can do it on my Blackberry.
Attentiveness can come from just running with different people and not being use to how they operate. I mean, its not like he body pulled a boss or anything :lol:
ahh ok yea i got confused cause on the app pics he was in a different guild, didnt know if i got the name wrong in our guild or he left to join another friend then wanted to actually come back and raid with us =P anyways hope to c ya in raids!