Guild Wars 2 ApplicationHow old are you? 23 In-Game Name? Velenoir Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your prefered playstyle? Both What kinds of activities are you interested in? WvW and massive high level Dynamic events. Any dungeons along the way will be fine as well heh. Previous Gaming Experience: Six years of WoW. Swtor. Twoish years of Original Guild Wars. Lotro for 4 years. Why did you choose XoO: Talked with Froznwarrior I think it was? He told me the guild is a PvX guild with a lot of focus on WvW which is what I am looking for in a guild. I absolutely love WvW and believe it has a lot of potential when you can get people grouped up and organized. I am also very interested in collecting all of this gear from these vendors in this game heh. Why do you think you'll be a good fit? I love WvW. Love doing stuff in PvE. Don't take PvP serious in the sense that I will not rage incoherently if I die, but I do however get mad if people are doing dumb things. What will you contribute to the guild? I am not a PvP pro by any stretch. I may provide a couple chuckles in TS but that may be the extent of it. Essentially I will be the guy that will follow orders and possibly making fun of a random person at any give moment in TS. In short... I will contribute my listening abilities. Localization: NA Do you have a referral? Froznwarrior A little bit about yourself? I am a very sarcastic person who does not take a lot of things seriously in a game. I do not typically get mad in a game unless its at myself for screwing up on something. Activity level? 15 -20 if not more. Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer? Yes Have you applied to the GW2 usergroup? Yes
Was noticing a pattern. " I will not rage incoherently if I die, but I do however get mad if people are doing dumb things." "will be the guy that will follow orders and possibly making fun of a random person at any give moment in TS." "I do not typically get mad in a game unless its at myself for screwing up on something. Activity level?" Just wondering if this person gets mad...