STAR CITIZEN REACHES 70 MILLION IN CROWD-FUNDING The Most Successful Crowd Funding Project Star Citizen surpassed its latest goal of $65 million this week and has found its self in the Genius book of world records before its official release. The space simulator has been granted the title of the biggest crowd funded project ever, this is not just including in the video game industry but all crowd-funded projects. Creator Chris Roberts took to the Star Citizen blog to speak about this “unthinkable” event, expressing that the company will still spend all the money raised on Star Citizen‘s development and not make any profits before the game’s official release. “Every effort is about enriching the game’s vision,” he writes. “Funding to date has allowed us to go so far beyond what I thought was possible in 2012. You’re still getting that game, no question, but it will be all the richer and so much more immersive because of the additional funding.” Roberts spoke towards the dynamic approach at Star Citizen‘s development, “It’s not being developed like a normal game and it’s not being funded like a normal game,” he writes. “I’ve had to toss aside a lot of my knowledge from the old way of developing and embrace a completely new world. There is no publisher. There is no venture capitalist wanting a massive return in three years. There is no need to cram the game onto a disc and hope we got it all right. Star Citizen is not the type of game that will be played for a few weeks, then put on a shelf to gather dust.” Star Citizen is currently sitting at a little over $69 million, no new stretch goal has been announced after reaching its previous goal of $65 million; which added Enhanced Ship Modularity, a system that will allow players to refit and customize certain ships. Roberts wrote another blog post for the new year, thanking supports for their success in 2014 and explaining their future intentions for Star Citizen in 2015 “It’s a project that is being built not just by 300 developers, but a project that is being built by hundreds of thousands of gamers that love PC games, that love space games and want to see a game made RIGHT, one that has such depth and ambition that they can see themselves happily adventuring for years to come.” Roberts stated that Star Citizen backers doubled in 2014 and cited the engaging Star Citizen community.