On Reddit : http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2k7kuu/we_are_the_star_citizen_fps_team_ask_us_anything/ On CIG forum : https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/193366/ask-a-dev-redacted-fps-team/p1
Seems like it'll be easier to kill people in FPS mode then in space. Here is an interesting scenario for FPS the developer used as an example:
I was actually just thinking about a similar scenario, as a highly skilled marine in full armor it would be awesome to be jettisoned out an air lock with the cargo that the pirates just commandeered from my poor pilot on threat of death and then once they pull me aboard I blast them all and take their ship
I'm interested in both and how seamless they will be. Storming a ship from Sokar's Cutlass seems very appealing to me.
Heavy armor is where I want to be!!! hope they let me pre purchase that lol, and I hope you can't pilot a ship in it so not everyone and there mother is running around in it after a while, I hope it is only a marine specific thing. I hope Medium and higher armors are not able to fly or man most consoles.