A new Roberts Space Industries Letter from the Chairman has an update from Chris Roberts on the status of dogfighting in Star Citizen, RSI's crowd-funded space combat and exploration game. He explains that the overabundance of funding they received has allowed them to proceed faster than anticipated, which, counterintuitively means they are delaying the dogfighting module they intended to be one of the first elements of the game released to the public. He explains that they are holding this back to implement their own netcode, rather than using Crytek's, while expressing other concerns about doing things as they originally planned. "So rather than force the team to crunch through the holidays chasing something 'good enough'," Roberts writes, "I am going to make the tough choice to delay the dogfighting module for a couple of months to allow us to take our time and deliver something special." The post is very lengthy, so this is a relatively short excerpt: Source: Blue's News
I doubt that any crowdfunded project that is large scale will ever meet deadlines. People don't seem to understand that publishers push milestones and games for a particular business reason, and it is the reason why everyone in the industry isn't on Blizzard or Valve time (aka SoonTM).
He's too busy fleeing to switzerland putting the gold bars in a private vault, he needs 2 more months to get his swiss passport Well it doesn't really matter whenever they release the module in any case, as long as they can update the global plan and publish it with all the new features that they want to put in the game and that weren't there originally. The more they do now the less they'll have to do later.
One thing to note with this, they're NOT pushing anything else back, it's just the dogfighting is being moved to be released with the netcode which was originally planned for later.
I'd rather them release a working module that takes longer to develop, than a broken, unplayable, BF4-like mess.
BF4 is not unplayable, u just can't play it Seen many complaints bout the game but i have no issue so far besides the spawn (i do only infantry maps tho).
no they will take longer and release something custom and different and still have it full of bugs and all messed up. Remember Duke Nukem? Haha, I just wanted to play devils advocate, but I fear this game won't release till 2017 if they continue to strive for perfection. Perfection is nice and all, but playing is something period isn't bad either.
They added in the 'shooting range' but the Freelancer isn't technically complete, so I can't attatch my guns to it.