From what I have read and watched, the game while incredibly deep and fun seems to lack that sort of depth throughout. Meaning while the actual game as a whole is deep, each "stage" just feels like a very basic version of the genre the stage is replicating, such as the Civilization stage feels like a bare-bones RTS. All solo, but the universe is populated by other people's creations through online.
What it needed was the ability to go to other people's planets and raise your creatures there. Co-op or versus.
WAR, DFO, RA3 a lot of games coming out this year that intrigue me so unfortunatly I dont have time to spare on anything else.
Well the universe wouldnt be complete without my contribution of highly offensive and disgusting creatures.
Does anyone know how the creatures are moderated ? Because if they aren't then EA is going to have a lot of trouble the first one of the creatures made by /b/ is seen by a parent while their child is playing.
Funny thing is, only a dirty adult's mind would see offensive content where child only sees what it really is... a weird alien lifeform. That said here's a quick review, it feels more like 5 mini-games mixed together than a full game. Each previous mini-game or "phase" affects the next, but it's minimal at best. RTS/Civilization fans won't find much fun, 3 phases out of 5 plays more like an action game rather than an actual RTS. Also even at maximum difficulty (Hard) it's still ridiculously easy. The game is simplistic, easy to get in and I would even add addictive... for a few hours. On the artistic side though, it's awesome. I am not much of the "let's waste 10 hours of my life make a spaceship that looks awesome" type. I simply take a cube, add a few wings and a huge bunch of canons... voila. My wife on the other hand spent over 15 hours just in the first 2 phases changing her base appearance over and over again. I would recommend it only to the artistic type aka the Sims fan, where you will enjoy making planets, buildings, ships, tanks, etc. for a long time and then make a video or take screenshot for your blog wich is probably entirely pink with links to pop stars all over it... in other words probably not for a lot of XoO members. I didn't pay for it, probably wouldn't have. My wife would... and I know a lot of kids that will play this game forever. Good game yes, but for the 18-30+ male market... not really.
It's fun, great, awesome, you get through all the stages incredibly fast though (~9 hours?) but after that you're more or less sandboxing in space, which is huge, plenty of other lifeforms to be found with multiple planets under their control. Trade routes are useful and make good money. Alliances are useful too etc. etc. Great fun, just requires you to be able to deal with sandboxing in the Space Age.
Fair enough. But as I said, the problems come when a parent sees it. And so you know what I'm talking about, I'm not talking about the creatures that are just giant penises. I'm talking about the creatures that look like two creatures having anal sex.
just kill them and make them extinct! actually i just played was into the last phase on the tribal part, and the damn thing crashed and didnt even save.....