There is a video on the source site: Source = More Info:
Just as Einstein came up with a theory that explained physics better than Newton, so now someone else has found evidence for a new theory that will replace Einstein. It is how things go and will continue to go probably forever. We simply use the scientific theories we do because they are the most accurate model we have evidence for at this time in history, not because they are completely right.
but but but a neutrino isn't light :S Now aside from the silly quip this is cool and validation by a 3rd party will be more awesome. I love how science progresses as Enigma pointed out
Fact. I mean, if you think about it, if we have something left unexplained in modern science and physics, their are only a few explanations, we haven't discovered some details as to why, OR, we are wrong and haven't witnessed something breaking the rules we think guide the universe. Physics tends to be turned on it's head so often it shouldn't be a surprise anymore that Einstein could have been wrong. . . And we're still exploring the properties of Anti-matter Hydrogen too. Only a matter of time now before some big changes come about in modern physics and theories of the universe as a whole.
It only makes sense. A theory becomes law by proving that it is true and Fact gives way to theory when it is proved wrong. Vicious Circle.
Already knew c wasn't the speed limit. We all know particles have traveled faster than c before, so what kind of logic dictates that it must be the limit? C is merely a threshold at which certain things happen to travel at, but not the limit.