Website: Purchase on Steam: I finally finished SPAZ (Space Pirates and Zombies) today, and I have to say it is one of the greatest games I have played in a long time. Simple, fun, addictive. The concept is to build a small fleet of ships and upgrade / modify them how YOU feel they should be. With over 33 ships and 70 different module customisations you can literally make your fleet how you want to be. "Meh, I prefer zombie games" - Oh but this game has that too, and its ingenious how it works. Zombies take over ships and depending on how well stocked and trained your crew is, depends on how well they can fight off an infection should they manage to get past your shield. (Its sounds more complicated than it is) You can play though most of the game as a miner and avoid confrontation all together if you so wish, or you can play as a mean badass and kill everyone that gets in your way. You can join the civilian resistance or the UTA military to manage your way though different solar systems. I won't give any spoilers away but the main storyline is EPIC, and quite amusing I can honestly say I haven't enjoyed a game this much in a long time. Also, it is narrated by TotalBiscuit and was developed by 2 people in their own homes over the course of 2 years - WHY ? Because they said they couldn't find any decent games in this style anymore. I personally was greatly impressed. I hope there are going to be more like this in the future. (Lots of future updates currently planned for SPAZ, including more ships, missions ect ect) TRY THE DEMO!
Purchased this when it came out because i like supporting goon indie devs and i must say its a real blast. Fair warning though dont pick the larger galaxy settings unless you want to invrst some serious time into the game. Going from mission to mission will take at least an hour or three on them