Hmm, could you remove mine from the list, if able? I just posted as a joke and I really don't want to pull any votes (joke votes or not) from the people who actually worked on something, hehe. ...and sorry about the confusion, if any. I won't do it again.
This might get more notice if you post it in the members section also... not to many people check this.
I voted Kyoji, I likes me some necrons I like reigniers work also though, he has made some great banners / sigs for my division Note the kick ass Kyoji Sig | \/
I don't understand this contest, so I voted for Commie because I liked the style and adaptability as a template as well as the coloring for me personally. Anyway, good luck with whatever this is.
wow those were really good...but Commie's wins as THE BEST example of how I see XOO and it's members.
They all kick ass, surprisingly. Had to vote for Umgala though... Lol @ Branded =P I'd vote for ya if I had 2 votes.
Well i figured if I didn't vote for myself I wouldn't have 1 vote, so meh Althought I was tempted to vote for Badcrumble.. there's just something about his sig.. lol Besides I like what I made, Im not Kyoji or Commie or Reigner or Umgolo or anything, but meh I try And I'm kinda fixated with history and flintlocks, etc. at times.
BC's one drew out the most emotion in the form of laughter, I nearly voted for him... but BC still doesn't beat Edan's epic paint skills.