My pic with the Orc has not been posted yet..Ill update this when it does. When I get a chance Ill post the ones I took.
more of another RUUUNNN!!!! Gandolf says "Run"!!! alot..and they run alot..and slash and hack stuff while they run..then they stop running and hack some more stuff
my pic with the Orc is not as cool....Im such a dork .But I was pumped to see The Premier of The Hobbit. a pumped dork
I enjoyed it very much. So much that I am going to see again tonight. Its action packed and New Zealand looks fantastic. In a few months Ill be going on a LoTR/Hobbit tour. See all the sites the movies were shot at. Ill go to Hobbiton and The Green dragon Inn to have a few craft beers. Spend some time camping in paradise ( scene where the dwarves walk thru with the southern alps in the scene) I see reviews of people that did not like it..I do not know what movie they must have been at. so maybe im not the best person to give an objective review.