MMO (FFXIV, WoW, or Bless) Skylla's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Skylla, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. Skylla

    Aug 21, 2013
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    How old are you?
    What is your in-game name?
    Skylla Swift
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?
    What are the top five games that influenced you most and a little bit as to why?
    Socom 2: U.S Navy Seals: It was the first online game I played on my PS2 and it was the reason why I bought the FFXI package to get the online capability, so it's basically the reason to how I started playing MMO's in the first place, specifically FFXI

    FF3/6: My first RPG ever played (3 on SNES) I loved it and it was by far the best story line I have seen in a game. So many unique characters and each with their own background. Plus, what's cooler than Sabin body slamming a Doom Train.

    WoW: Played it from Vanilla until WotLK and then back again in Cata and now again in MoP. It was the first MMO that i got addicted to. I played FFXI, but I didn't like the 2-4 hours I had to wait to find a group just to level, so when WoW came around it got me hooked and I spent a good 5 years playing that game. It also got me out of a rough spot in my life when my fiance cheated on me. It was an escape and I'm not ashamed to say that the companionship and friendship I made in that game probably saved my life.

    Call of Duty 4: The first game that I played competitively and almost even got sponsored to play. I still play it now and I am still in the same clan that I started up in in 2007. I'm very dedicated and loyal when I am in a guild/clan and if anything this game proves it.

    DoTA: Best MOBA ever, it influenced my abilities to think on the fly and team play ability.
    What kind of content do you prefer to PvP, PvE, or both (PvX)?
    What guilds have you played with and what roles did you have within the guild?
    I haven't played in any FF guilds, but in WoW I have been an officer, A team leader in CoD4, and other various leadership roles in the Endless Shadow COD4 clan.
    What brings you to XoO and why did you choose us?
    Xeiiib is an IRL friend and someone who will keep me playing FFXIV.
    List some of the things that you think will make you an asset to XoO.
    I'm dedicated, I'm an elitist when it comes to maximizing DPS, and I hate losing.
    You are in a middle of a raid and the raid leader calls out a command you don't think will work out. Do you hesitate and contest, or do you listen anyways and speak your mind after the fact?
    I don't hesitate and I do what I think is the right move in the situation because even officers can make mistakes. If it works out then obviously it'll show my intuitiveness, and if not it will humble me to listen more often than not, but that is speaking from a WoW stand point where I knew a lot. In FF I will probably jsut listen because im still learning. In actuallity I will probably bring up my idea after the fact to give suggestions on how to accomplish or goal faster or if we wipe on how to prevent it from reoccuring. You want followers, I understand that, but sometimes you need someone to think outside the box to take your raid to the next level but still do so respectfully and appropriately.
    A little bit about yourself? *Gaming history, habits, etc...*
    I love video games, basketball, women, and protecting the ones I love. I'm sensitive, logical, and emotional in every way except I can control my anger and I am very patient.
    How many hours do you play per week, on average?
    about 35
    Were you reffered to XoO? If so, enter the name of the person who referred you to XoO
    List the best times for your interview
    Anytime after 5 EST
    Have you applied to the FF XIV:ARR usergroup?
    Do you have a character already? If so please provide lodestone link to them.
    I do, but it was just created this past beta phase and it glitched out most the weekend and I was only able to level mining and goldsmithing.
  2. Owainn
    Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    Business Owner
    Miami, Florida
    Accepted- Welcome to XoO