Sirius' D&D 3.5e campaign - continued

Discussion in 'Other Games (Not Listed)' started by Sirius, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. Sirius
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Software developer
    Bellevue, WA
    This forum should be a better fit for this topic for the longer term than the Guild Wars forum. Especially since I don't really mind if non-GW players read it. There are only a certain number of players I can accommodate, but a second campaign sounds quite possible to deal with some degree of overflow if it happens.

    I have had a 3.5 edition D&D campaign (set in Forgotten Realms) running for just over a year and a half now, and in light of interest from people who have heard about it, have decided to give out some information on how it works to help out those who want to join in. We currently run at 6 pm Pacific time on Friday nights (2 am Saturday GMT once we go out of daylight time here, which will happen really soon now). This time is not flexible, unfortunately - it's the only halfway decent compromise I could work out between a couple of players with nearly mutually exclusive work schedules.

    There are currently three active players in the campaign, so part of the purpose of this thread is to check on who is joining, interested in joining, has a character set up, needs help setting up a character, all that kind of stuff.

    Again, for anyone else interested in joining: we currently use MapTool for playing. I know TS3 is very popular here, XoO being XoO, and I have nothing against being on TS3 while the game is going on, but I suspect a couple of the existing players would be uncomfortable with it (they're not XoObies) so play will continue to be via text chat for now. Our current players are using Myth-Weavers for creating character sheets; you don't need to yourself but I can recommend it if you need a suggestion. Our "house rules" for character building purposes are:

    • Start at level 9 - this is where the existing characters are up to now. Appropriate starting equipment value for this level is 36,000 gp.
    • Stats: we are using point-buy 32 for this (the usual calculator I use for this is here:
    • Skills: Double skill points. This applies after modifiers for everything else (int bonus and so on). It does not raise the maximum rank in any skill though. There is also a requirement for at least 25% of the skill points to be used on non-combat skills so we get decently-rounded characters.
    • HP: Your first 3 hit dice are maximised. For HD after that, you have three options:
      1. Standard - 1d<HD size>
      2. 2d<1/2 HD size>
      3. Just take 1/2 HD size (e.g. for a 1d8 you have the option of not rolling at all and picking 4) - for those that like predictability :)
    • The "Toughness" and "Improved Toughness" feats have been merged into one simply called "Toughness", which adds 3+1/level HP and has the requirements of Improved Toughness. May be an option for d4 characters that don't like dying all the time.
    • Beyond that, please no powergaming or outright "munchkin" characters. Our existing ones have varying levels of effectiveness as is, and it's OK to have a character that actually sucks at fighting, but as it's a role-playing game, and not something like Guild Wars, I'm not going to require you to have an awesome build to survive. And the other players would appreciate it if you aren't the only one who gets to do anything. :D
    If you don't have any experience with (real) role-playing games but are interested in learning, don't panic - we do seem to have plenty of people who can help you with that. Myself included if you can find me, though admittedly the amount of time I've spent at home has been dwindling a bit lately.
  2. Ben K

    Jun 23, 2008
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    Right, so for Lars' one, this is a reference for the nerfed version of the stats. And because it makes total sense for a rakshasa, I'm going bard. Will figure more out tomorrow.

  3. Lars

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2010
  4. Lars

    Fairly good start, things go slow when a new character is introduce, thanks!

    I'm still fine-tuning everything, it might be a few weeks until everything is filled out on sheets and polished.

    Here's my side of the table so far:
    Mainly Visible
    Fleck, Level 9 Exiled Modron Wizard (PC)
    Paur, Clockwork Mender (Familiar)
    Jyian, Clockwork Brass Man (Creation)
    Ronk, Junk Golem (Creation)
    Skult, Clockroach (Creation)

    Mainly Hidden

    Sortie, "Sorting Beast" (Creation)
    Shim, Spiderthief (Creation)
    Iz, Metal Expeditious Messenger (Creation)
    Nox, Universal Key (Creation)