Hi everyone, I'm kinda new around here and I must say looking at everyone's sig's I've seen some awesome unique sigs. By chance could i trouble someone to possibly create one for me? If not its quite alright -Jaxz
We actually have a thread stickied in the members section. Check it out and post a request there. You can also see what people have done and what you think you would like.
Hmm idk lol maybe its just Member of the Forums not the Actually guild who knows could you post a link to the sig maybe it would work that way lol.
Jaxz the sig thread : http://www.xoohq.com/forums/showthread.php?t=367 We have many talented sig artists. I just play one on tv
I think it just means that he signed up and hes not a guest or anything. It has nothing to do with being in the XoO_Members group. It could probably be changed so that there were different names for people who have signed up and people who are in XoO_Members group.
lol yup no soup for me I do not have permission i figured lol hopefully that will change here soon. Thank you though!
well you get member status when you get accepted into the members group to get access to the other forums