WoW Shelanne's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Shelanne, May 5, 2016.

  1. Shelanne

    May 5, 2016
    Likes Received:
    What is your in game name?:
    How old are you?:
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?:
    Can you make raid nights on consistent and reliable basis? (Tue/Thur/Sun @ 7:30pm server):
    What class and specialization(s) are you applying as?:
    Discipline priest with Shadow offspec
    Link your main character's armory page.:
    List any alternate classes and specialization that you may be interested in playing.(opt.):
    Proficient in all healer classes, would prefer Disc>RSham>HPally
    If needed for damage I can go shadow or also bring in my hunter.
    Link the armory page(s) for any alternate character listed.(opt.):
    What tools or guides do you use to optimize your character?:
    I'm always a fan of H2P and I read other forums like a madman. Also post logs on Reddit for feedback as well.
    Link a recent log of a raid you participated in.:
    What is your previous raiding experience?:
    Currently 10/13M with a good 30 pulls into Xhul'horac.
    Why are you interested in XoO?:
    I have a built in Prot warrior boyfriend, we are attempting to find a guild both in need of a disc and prot warrior, as we would like to finish out the last bit of the tier with the specs we have mained this expansion.
    What are you looking for in raiding with XoO?:
    A stable group of people to progress through the last bit of HFC and if all goes well, hopefully a raiding spot in Legion.