Q. How old are you? A.39 __ Q. What gaming experience do you have? A. DAOC since 2001. Tried Saga Ryzon (it was joke) Tried some other game that was so lame I cant remember the name but I remember paying for it. Tried WoW ten days for free they didn't get my money __ Q. What is the name / class / level of your character(s)? A. Shampain Shammy 17 __ Q. Do you have a mic? A. yep __ Q. Have you been part of any other guilds in WAR? If yes, what guild(s)? A. Yes Divinity and The Siver Hand on Gorfang __ Q. Why do you want to join Xen? A. Need a good Guild. I also like the fact that the guild spans multiple games. __ Q. Do you have a referal? A. Meya __