Is anyone playing a "good" game right now. Good meaning a well thought out concept thats fun and somewhat original. With graphics that are on par with todays mainstream games (no minecraft) That isnt a obvious cut/paste of WoW (Rift) That isnt a money/timesink from Korea (Almost all F2P) I was looking at trying Dragon Age 2, maybe the new Test Drive. Hopefully theres something out there im missing...
If you can put the outdated graphics aside, you will have lots of fun if you join us in Planetside. We get together on sundays/tuesdays/thursdays and we just roflstomp everything. Lots of teamwork. Mass PVP. It feels like the good ol chip wars, and that's why Senrai is on every day (even though he hates FPS). Sure the graphics are old, but they're on the same level as RF's graphics and we still played and enjoyed that.
Uh could you be more specific? FPS, RPG, or more importantly, single player, or multiplayer. Long game that's full of stuff to do, or short action packed campaign? Etc...