1. Age: 22 2. Name: Senuui 3. Location + Timezone: Ireland GMT +0 4. Class: Assassin 5. vent ? Vent, TS , Skype 6. Previous gaming experience: Been playing wow for the last couple of years with Narji, Left for death, Lineage and a couple of other games. 7. Why did you chose XoO: Heard allot of stuff from Narji and it's always fun to PVP/Raid together reach high end content. 8. Do you have a referal?: Narji 9. A little bit about yourself: I,m Senuui. 22 years old. I'm dutch but live in Ireland cause of my study ( Game-Design) 10. Activity Level? (hrs/week): around 20.... maybe more. 11. Applied to usergroup? Aion EU
Good player imo, was a very good healer when I played with him for a few years and he did some kick ass damage as Assassin in the closed beta's we've been in. Would love to see him on our team.
t was actually ment to be 30+ hours as i play especially long in weekends and whenever i have time normally. ( a bit hard to count but simply after school ) i'm very dedicated when it comes to progress ( wether it's my gear or the guild progress) and LOVE to pwn some elyos (just ask Doshan about me being exited when i made my first kill) also quiet a tacticus. Been leading allot of raids in wow ( back in the days of The Burning Crusade and a couple of pugs in Wrath of the Lich King)
Hey, check your PMs for the vent details, if you could hop on sometime and look for myself, Insho, Icewolf or Stenog so we can have a little chat about your app