,0,1729289.story Are you KIDDING ME? Please tell me this is a major ruse, because there is no reason, out of who knows how many Navy SEALs are deployed, to have the figurehead legacy team that killed Osama all in the same chopper in the middle of a conflict with no means to protect themselves. Edit: New link added.
The LAT piece points out that none of OBL raid team were on the chopper. The Wired piece that I have linked below does a pretty good job of explaining things. Apparently, the JSOC guys caught a ride in a run-of-the-mill chopper. Wired Article
Bad luck? They were a reaction force dispatched to some Rangers who were already in trouble, maybe it was a bit rushed to give them a full escort too? And what do you mean figurehead legacy? None of the members who were killed were part of the same squad which took out Bin Laden. (who by the way I still maintain should have been under 1-SFOD-D jurisdiction)
The 22 SEALs that died were part of the Navy Seal Team 6 unit but not part of the operation that took down Osama Ben Laden in May. No need to jump to conclusion and conspiracy just yet. They knew the helicopter route and pattern, another example of soldiers taken down by an information leak.
Regardless if it they were part of the team that took out bin laden, its still sad to read. Sadly, this is the reality that we live in.
So Sad I wish they could all stay safe, on a related note here is a sad story I just came across!