Screwtaped, Holy Paladin

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Screwtaped, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. Screwtaped

    Jan 10, 2010
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    1. Character Name, Class, and Main Spec:
    Screwtaped, Holy Paladin

    2. Armory Link: (explain talent choices here in needed):

    Currently specced 51/2/18 as a HL paladin.

    I am not specced into divine guardian/sac because currently I only do pug raids (current guild does not raid seriously) that usually do not use/understand its usage, so I am talented for a little more throughput/regen through crit in the ret tree.

    I also decided to put 2 points into Divinity instead of pursuit of justice and add speed enchant to feet.

    3. List raid helpful professions:
    Professiosn are maxed JC and alchemy. JC obviously for int bonuses as well as gold, and alchemy for gold-making/saving and flasks for myself. I know alchemy does not give me much in terms of raid bonuses, but paired as a transmute spec with JC it just makes too much gold for me to start over and level BS (the only other prof that'll give me int).

    4. Time playing WoW and PvE progression:
    Somewhat freshie - started in about March of 2009 after Lyhte convinced me to start playing.

    5. PvP influences and impact on raiding:
    Originally began playing wow with the allure of PVP (and as DPS in PVP), but now I do pve related content much more. Eventually would like to reach 2k+ as a holy paladin in arena, but pve is a priority.

    6. Age (18 is required with limited exceptions):

    7. Occupation and living arrangements that impact raiding(family, classes, dorm, night shifts etc):
    College student, will not affect raid times unless finals are near (usually ends up in 1 week of limited wow time every 2-3 months).

    8. Guild you are leaving and why: (If you join another guild without following up here, application will be closed):
    Get Rich or Die Grinding does not raid seriously.

    9. How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild:
    Lyhte lives 20 feet from me.
    Recently joined a 2s team with Peppershaker
    I also did a pug icc10 when only the first wing was out with a holy priest alt of some pally tank here (do not know who). When the pally tank (on his priest) was talking about gemming and enchanting tanks on vent he obviously knew what he was talking about in terms of theorycrafting, which was a great part of why I choose XoO. I see too many people/guilds that are not knowledgeable enough about there spec/class (i.e. intellect gemmed paladins with holy light SP libram), and I want to join a guild that has a good understanding of there classes/specs.

    10. List consumables you bring to raid:
    -Flask of distilled wisdom (int) if I can find an Alch with recipe (I still hit up strat once in awhile for the recipe for my own alchemy, have yet to get it). Otherwise, Flask of Pure Mojo (MP5) is primarily used.
    -Also have SP/Stam food if no feast is available.
    -Usually don't need to use mana pots, but I bring couple anyways.

    11. Additional Scheduling conflicts (consider possible weekend groups for 10mans):
    Usually will not be available on Friday nights due to me being in college and having events going on all around. Other than that, I'm avail all the time.

    12. Provide measure of your damage/healing such as Recount (Screenshot to include player breakdown of attack %'s), WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs listing:

    13. Provide a UI screenshot from raid combat:

    Have DBM, use grid/clique and a slew of other addons like power aura

    14. Final comments you feel could help your application:
    I know I told peppershaker I could app on my lock, but I really don't have much desire to spec demo (which is assuming why you would primarily want one), nor do I have much desire to seriously raid with him. I also enjoy healing much more than DPS. My pally is my first and most enjoyable character, and is the one I wish to take furthest.
    Also about the gemming of my legs - I used to have a a nightmare tear in my legs, but I recently got a big upgrade to my wrists. The wrist has a +4 int. bonus on a blue socket, so I decided to move the nightmare tear there. I am using a blue 16 int gem in the legs temporariliy because in 4-5 days I'll have enough gold/mats to get the new 264 plate holy legs crafted.
  2. Neptuno

    Sep 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Watching over 150 nukes sitting in the ground
    i believe that could have been my priest complaining about stupid specs and gemmings of prot pallys (i believe the conversation dealt a good deal about blade ward being bad)

    also, check out the new source for your flask listing (not new though, as this source was out for longer than you've listed as playing the game)
  3. Lime

    May 4, 2009
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    Network Engineering
    No Where Important
    Missing a head enchant and you have a blue quality gem. Besides that looks good to me. A buddy of Lyhte has to be good. I approve.
  4. Screwtaped

    Jan 10, 2010
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    Yea, I literally got the t10 head like an hour ago, I am going to enchant right now.
    As for the blue-quality gem, it's temporary as I had to move some gems around for socket bonuses. I'm getting 264 pants to replace my current ones in like 3 days, so I figure i'd jam in a 20g gem instead of a 200g one.
  5. Neptuno

    Sep 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Watching over 150 nukes sitting in the ground
    id like to see the spec you intend to raid as at least on a link to a chart.

    i believe that the int build is a solid setup

    i favor a partial spell power build based on my loot... and who wants to dump honor into yellow gems when you can sell red ones and use 12sp/10int? :D

    we will discuss the option of another pally healer - we seem to shaman heavy with a shortening of druid/priest rosters again and our reserve options are 2 'dual spec' healadins atm (with just 1 MS)
  6. Screwtaped

    Jan 10, 2010
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    Alright, I built a quick sample raid build. I'm assuming you have all major pally talented buffs covered (devo aura +healing, imp. wisdom, imp. might, etc). Of course small talent points can be moved around to cover any buff needed.

    Some talent choice explanations -
    Took blessed hands because I'm assuming imp. wisdom is covered. Doesn't help much, but hey a better hand of salvation is a better hand of salvation.

    Had a lot of filler points in the prot tree, but again those are just so I can spec into divine guardian.

    Instead of getting imp. hammer or 2/3 devo aura (which should already be covered by trees/other prot pallies), I put the last 2 points into the ret tree for reduced mana cost.

    Also, with regard to the Holy Light philosophy and SP's role - I do think SP does help even for a holy paladin.

    Its useful when tanks are topped off and I can spread FoL/HS across the raid or use it to continue topping off tanks. Depending on who else is in the raid and the actual encounter, sometimes I'll equip Sliver of Pure Ice for extra SP and use a little more FoL/HS. An example is the new festergut boss, a boss that I equipped the icc10 trinket for. In phase 1, tank damage isn't heavy, so I cast a ton of fol/hs across the raid while keeping up light's grace. This also conserves my mana for later phases like phase 3, where I'll be chain casting Holy light.

    However I don't really believe SP will increase a holy paladin's output with regard to holy light. Having another, say 100SP through gems/enchants is nice, but really that 100SP will not increase my holy light by THAT much. If a tank were to take 25k worth of damage, the difference btwen a 15k and 17k holy light crit doesn't mean much. I would have to use holy light twice regardless of how much SP i have.

    Also, as a side note - I realize that I can get the recipe with exalted with the cenarion expedition - I just really hate rep grinding THAT much.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010
  7. Peppershaker

    Jul 20, 2009
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    Oakville, ontario
    Well hes a friend of Lythe and hes pro so he has to my 2's buddy has to be more op then what i even think he is, he clearly knows his shit and has a decent amount of gear. He knows his way around pvp as well which is defiantly something good in a pve senses the awareness that comes with someone who does pvp and put into a pve encounter and knows when dmg is coming in can usually perform better.
  8. Swiftzz

    Aug 17, 2009
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    IT Support Analyst
    Staten Island NY
    Everything looks good. Your UI is definitely solid can easily tell you're not a clicker with all your binds. IMO we can definitely use another solid healer for ICC 25/HM's. Also the 4/5 in toughness I don't think is really needed. When looking up a pally healer from a top guild saw this spec I don't really know much about paladins just a base of the class since I never played one.
  9. Neptuno

    Sep 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Watching over 150 nukes sitting in the ground
    well, as he rightly assumed, we have many of those already covered. devotion aura x2 with 2 prot pallys and he picked less movement impairs vs less stuns or less damage with righteous fury (that is only active for saurfang and in which you still try to not get hit), so really, the question is more about raid slots balancing healer classes. i think it looks good to me for a trial run.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010
  10. Screwtaped

    Jan 10, 2010
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    Yep, picked up tougnness for less movement impairs. Also, I might want to put back in 2 points into imp. stuns after some more thought - 2 of ICC's bosses already have add phases in which stuns are useful (saurfang/deathwhisper). 40 second stuns lines up pretty cloise with the blood beasts. The fight's also by no means healing intensive, so I"ll probably have spare GCDs to help out the ranged dps and stun adds.