weee firefly your friends have great names. so what are your going to do with all your cash? ps: did you mean to share your gmail account with all of us...cause if you did I have some amazing deals i need to tell you about. Can I trust you? all i need is your blood type/birthcertificate/mothersmaidenname/bankaccounts/creditcard/yearofbirth/favoritesong/... you know, basic stuff, no risk CALL NOW! lalws
I get soooooooooo many of these a day. Hence the 1000+ spam messages. My record is 8000 something before the 30 day limit hit. <3
time to change yo email account. thats why i have 3 emails that i trash when they become too corrupted. 1 that is for public business/ purchases that would be no sweat to change/lose. 1 that is for trusted friends and family, that would be a hassle to change. 1 that is for banking and other high security that would be a pain to change. the public account lasts about 1-2 years before it becomes unusable and needs to be erased. the family account, if others are not sloppy with it, almost never needs rebuilding. and the "bank" account lasts for years on end as it is only spammed by those high security accounts.
I've had this email since gmail was released; spam doesn't usually make it to my inbox. I have no intent on changing anytime soon. <3
I think its funny that he says "I'm an American soldier" and follows up with "we will come meet you in your country".
It's the same barebone Nigerian scam with a military twist to it. Still funny, I saved it. The english in that email is horrible. Me and my partners laughed at this.
hey, its a living..someone has to separate fools from their money. Ive had same gmail for years..never get that stuff.
Lol, the reason I get so much spam is that a while back one of my friends thought it would be funny to put me on a whole bunch of porn newsletters. Looking back on it, I think I got a bestiality one once.