Q. How old are you? A. 34. Well, at least for another 10 months. __ Q. What gaming experience do you have? A. Been playing MMO's since they were MUDDS. __ Q. What is the name / class / level of your character(s)? A. Sawran Wrap / DoK / 40/46 __ Q. Do you have a mic? A. Yes __ Q. Have you been part of any other guilds in WAR? If yes, what guild(s)? A. Was in a destro guild on Skullthrone coming out of beta, named Psychosis. We went order at Gold, and hopped servers several times due to poor management choices. Quit game after the guild dissapated. When I came back, about a month ago, I joined this server, and hooked up with Go Git Your Shinebox. Good guys, but they stopped loggin on, so I've been running guildless with Daire. We group alot with Xen, and AoA people. Form premade SC bomb groups, get into your alliance WB's, and do ovr. __ Q. Why do you want to join Xen? A. I like the organization, and Im betting Xen will help destro get thier shit together. There are far too many chiefs running around, in far too many 5 man guilds. I think Xen, and this alliance can whip destro into shape, and I'd like to be apart of that. __ Q. Do you have a referal? A. Ronjac! __