1. Age (18+ Requirement): 19 2. Name (Forum & IGN): Saverian/Saverian 3. Class: "Soon To Be" Cleric 4. Do you have vent and a mic?: Absolutely 5. Previous gaming experience: Oh boy.. First started MMOs with EverQuest, played for 7 years on The Nameless/Innoruuk server(s) until they combined into one server, did a lot of the end-game content for Kunark, Luclin, Planes of Power expansions after PoP I became more of a casual gamer and did little raiding. Played as a Shaman and a Warrior World of Warcraft for 4 years; raided ZG, MC, Onyxia, BWL, AQ, Gruuls, Mags, SSC, Kara, BT( a few times before all the nerfage ), and then with WoTLK I did Naxx, VoA. Played as a Mage, Rogue and Warlock. Lineage II, I played for 2 years; mainly it was the pvp and the castle sieges that attracted me to the game the XP grinding was a nightmare solo; I didn't do many raids or end-game things; i only reached lvl 44 as a SpellSinger. 6. Why did you chose XoO / Why do you think you'll be a good fit:? XoO seems to be an extremely popular and well known guild/clan/legion/group of people throughout many games and I'd be honored to be a part of that great group. I think I'd be a good fit cause I can be a serious yet fun player and bring entertainment to the group as well as lend a "Healing" hand. 7. What will you contribute to the guild / How will you improve our guild and be a valued member? A respective, loyal member that will be there to help those in need; I enjoy doing things as a group, solo play never was my thing (why play an MMO to play by yourself?) 8. Do you have a referal?: Mmmm- KKyoji INSISTED I check XoO out 9. A little bit about yourself: Well.. I'm 19 years old, i just graduated from High School. Going to Ivy Tech (monday) for Computer Security/Programming. I work part-time at kroger and they never give me a set schedule so my hours of play will vary from week to week with school; I was born in Sumter, South Carolina (no idea how I ended up in Indiana jk) I'm very dedicated to what I do; once I start something I finish it. 10. Activity Level? (hrs/week): This is my first year of college on top of working so I am going to say N/A on this (AT THIS TIME) I can give a better detail of this by next weekend after the first week of school and see how everything goes.
vent interview went well Also, check out this page. http://www.xoohq.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9051 ACCEPTED