Got to say even if I have gotten board of wow its self I still got a lot of interest in the Warcraft story. Hopefully with Sam Raimi directing it it won't be too horrible ( I've also been feeling the itch to play wow again )
Bah as shitty of a game WoW is it needs a director to reflect on this and who better to do this.. Uwe Boll duh.. Just visited his imdb page... Who keeps letting him direct movies? Seriously. Oh if you don't know him some famous movies of his... Alone in the Dark, House of the Dead.. and an actually alright Bloodrayne.. And didn't see this until now Far Cry as well.. Not sure if its here yet.
holy shit... I looked at sam raimi's imdb page.. evil dead 4, spiderman 5, untitled sam raimi project (probably wow movie) etc etc.. wow...
Where the hell was Evil Dead 3? *Edit* Ah.. Did not know this I feel stupid now... Evil Dead 3 = The Army of Darkness..
Sam Raimi is the bomb, he can manage to make any lame subject into an entertaining movie. And yes, it also means Bruce Campbell will have some part in the movie, lol. Which can only be good. Prolly a bad sign for the MMO market in general. As far as quality goes. Gonna see lots of growth with no real innovation. Just more WoW zombies to infect the minds of developers, turning them all into walking corporates, hungry for wallets instead of brains. Be preapred for 10 more years of WoW clones.
I bet they cast Topher Grace to be the Tauren Warrior. You know... because he was such a convincing Venom... right?
If it has action Ill watch it..I wont pay for it..Ill wait till its on tv. This is what I cant wait to see...
I explained to my GF how easy WoW was to play and she was interested. Her friends from work play it. I then explained to her how raiding worked and how you have to set aside part of you day and be dedicated to the game. She looked at me like "WTF" and said "why would someone do that?" I wish the WoW end game was actually fun I would probably still be playing it. Raiding on a schedule is not fun, lock out timers are not fun.
raiding is fun but more importantly what is the movie going to be like? they going to have it start out as a guy shouting in org for more members for a ulda raid or soemthing? also where is the halo movie?
I'm pretty sure that wont turn out too well and they will bail out the idea soon enough, they trying to create hype to get noticed possibly.
He better get some people that actually know the lore and pick a good, doable time period to appease the warcraft and wow fans while making it visually stunning and action packed. Bay was able to make it look nice with alot of action, but fanboys have to think of the Transformer movies as rubbish.
and it has yielded some of my favorite wowwiki pages: most of the why's and why not's are hilarious