SaintOfMirren's Application - Black Desert Guild Mission Officer

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by SaintOfMirren, Apr 3, 2016.

  1. SaintOfMirren
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Oct 23, 2014
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    What are your play times?:
    Mountain time usually between 7 or 8 eastern until 12 or 2 am eastern
    How are you going to influence others to come out and do guild missions?:
    First I think it will be alot easier to expect people to show up when there is consistency of when we have these. People are grinding gear and levels already as it is in the game, so knowing when you might need to grind for guild missions helps in planning the rest of the day out. Also more gathering missions are needed
    Have you read the upcoming guild missions? How are you going to work with the other GMO to accomplish this mission nearly everyday?:
    I'll be honest I haven't read the missions, but I definately will
    Are you fully PVP capable?:
    nah, I'm working on my 3rd toon right now trying to still figure out my play style. However I've lead pvp in Albion and other games before joining Xen. I don't believe leading pvp will be my focus, I am looking to help temporarily maybe give missions some organization and structure until the perfect guy applies for it
    How, outside of GMO slot, will you help the other officers?:
    To be honest, probably not much more than I do already, which really isn't a ton, answering questions when I know them, providing some thoughts and opinions on what needs to be focused on with my limited knowledge of the game
    Have you been an officer in XoO before? What Game? What was your role? How did you contibute.:
    yes, Albion, helped get the chapter started until my job consumed too much of my time
    What types of leadership roles have you held outside of online?:
    Well, I am currently the Service Line Owner in and ITIL structured ITOC capacity for 4 call centers in Colorado and the direct IT Site Manager for 2 of those call centers. Managing the IT departments and working with all ITOC groups to support those sites.
    Where are you currently in your own progression/gear?:
    Full Grunil +5 or better, my sorc has +9 amulet and +7 Jubre, my Valk has +10 longsword and +2 shield (just started today). Mark of Shadow and Bares accessories some duo some pri so far. But I have Grunil armor being crafted daily and 5-10 mil sitting in the bank with other random +5 or higher gear pices spread out through storage lol
    Veteran Staff Member Xen of Onslaught CO

    Oct 1, 2014
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    Bomb Dropper
    Where the Army puts me
    Pulled application in Game, Denied.