Greetings! My name is [RS]FreeBird, and I am the Diplomatic Commanding Officer for Red Squadrons Multi-Gaming Fleet (hereafter known as [RS]). [RS] is an 11 year old Gaming Fleet that was started on December the 12th 1998. At some stage over those 11 years [RS] has played all Star Trek Games that have been available on the PC .A few members also played on various Consoles. We've had many wars protecting ourselves and our allies from many enemies. We have survived all attacks and although we have had a very quiet few years, 11 years on and we are still here and looking forward to STO. [RS] is always looking for new contacts and friends in reaching out to the community and as such, we would like to open diplomatic relations with your fleet. Feel free to visit our website at and our forums located at: If you have any questions for me personally I can be reached by xfire, msn, or gmail. Xfire: freebirdmaster MSN: Gmail: I hope to hear from you soon and look forward to continuing talks. Thank you all for your time, [RS]FreeBird Diplomacy CO