Character Name, Class, and Main Spec: Rosencrantz - Fury Warr Applying for position as raider (as probate) or a member/friend: Raider Armory Link: 1. Talent spec(s): discuss theorycrafting choices or dual talent spec experience as well as stats for other specs: I am a fury warrior. I dont enjoy playing as Arms or Tanking. I do have a full 7.5+ tank set for OT if needed or to help alts out. As for my spec, its cookie cutter fury, except i take unbridled wrath instead of improved shout b/c every bit of rage helps and there is usually a pally giving might in raids. 2. List Professions you have and how they help your raid performance Enchanting/Herb/Fishing/Cooking all maxed. I can farm mats for flasks and fish/cook feasts and foot. Im always prepared this way. 3. How long have you played WoW and what are your PvE accomplishments (include other toons if needed)? I've played since 2006. This is my only 80. I dedicate my time to make this toon as good as possible and dont have the time to level another. I've raided every BC dungeon except sunwell, and obviously all WOTLK content up through General on 10/25. Im in the top 3 dps for my guild, <exile> in 25 ulduar as a nerfed fury warr. 4. How much do you PvP and how will it impact raiding? Very little. Just WG and world PVP. 5. How old are you? Maturity and dedication are of utmost importance. 18 is required with limited exceptions. I am 31. I get on to raid after I get home from work. I have undergrad and masters degrees. 6. Where do you live (state/country) and what is the living arrangement (wife, children, dorm, etc)? Little Rock, AR. I own my own home. 7. Current occupation (outside of WoW) and does it create any scheduling issues with raiding? Im a finance proffesional. I work 8-5 M-F. 8. What guild and/or server are you coming from and why? What do you expect Xen of Onslaught to provide better? (Make sure to include your old guild or we could confuse it with you joining someone else). I am currently a raider with <exile> on Sargeras. I have been with this guild over a year as we have progressed through the EYE, Hyjal, BT and WoTLK content. I enjoy the guild and the players there. However, with the recent decrease in players, we have hit a progression snag and I am looking for a more dedicated and knowledgeable raiding group. <exile> was/is a semi casual raiding guild, and while there are 10-15 hard core raiders, we are stuck and need to rebuild the ranks if we hope to progress. I dont know if that is possible or if I am willing to wait that long. Also, after a year, I need something new to spice things up. 9. How did you hear about Xen? List any personal references within the guild and expect them to asked about your raiding ability or confirmation of for friend rank. Reading the forums, and/or in game. I do not know, nor have I talked to anybody in game. I do dig the guild name. 10. <What and how many consumables do you plan to have in preparation for each raid? What do you do when there is no fish feast? I keep at least a 20 stack of dragonfin filet on hand b/c it is better than a feast for me anyway. I always have 5+ flasks of endless rage too. Im a meter junkie, i go for every edge i can get. 11. Our raid schedule can include Monday-Thursday from 7:00-11:00 PM CST (Sargeras Server time) with the occasional Sunday raid for progression (and sometimes skipping Tuesdays for farmed content or patch days). What would be your most likely scheduling conflict if any? No conflict, that is when <exile> runs too. 12. Submit a damage meter of some kind (or healing meter). If one is not available, explain why. (Tanks do dps too so don't use that as an excuse) Not my best, but all my others are expired! Generally pushing over 4.5k dps through Freya. I top the meters on fights I should, such as Kolo, Razor, Cat Lady, etc. I can push over 6000 dps on Kolo 13. Provide a picture of your UI, preferably in Raid combat(at least in a 10-man) and a list addons that you use, so we know you can see those big colored rings of death appearing below your feet. I use the vanilla WoW UI. I keep Omen up below the minimap. I use DBM as well of course and a few other fury mods like SlamAlert, etc. I will spare you the picture. 14. You are done unless you have any final comments to help out your application.Upon completing this application you will be assumed to understand and agree with the raiding policy as posted. In sum, I am a dedicated dps warrior. I do not play any other toons. A check of wow-heroes, etc shows that I am one of the best geared dps warriors on the server. I like my current guild <exile>, but progression is too slow, I'd like a new challenge and to meet some new homies. See you in game.
Let Brozo or Corps take a look at him, but he application looks very well done, especially if he can put up high numbers. Tanking is also something we appreciate from a class that has the ability to do so because it helps us in a bind. How comfortable do you feel with your ability as prot?
I havent tanked any in ulduar, but I tanked naxx25 fairly effectively. Im happy to help in a pinch, but its not my strong suit. I leveled as Prot and was prot through TK progression back in the day.
WWS from tonight. I did notice tonight that it looked like you guys got a late start. (around 7:45 it looked like) Is that an abberation or are you guys having the same trouble as us filling raids with the recent population decrease on Sargeras? I also got the cindershard ring and drape of the drakerider tonight
well, i don't know that we would call upon you to tank too often... and another warrior has an arms spec they like i believe. i've been trying to handle a SMART failure of my hard drive the last couple of days and can't see armory or wws from work... but the postive responses of raiders and officers are solid. ill check it out when i get home in 6 hours, but unless there's something they missed, welcome to xen.
i noticed on wws special attacks missing... i realize that geming hit is discouraged after my 30 seconds of fury googling, but it is suggested to be at the special attack cap correct? anyway, i'd like to do an ingame/vent interview when you have a chance so we can talk before inviting.
That is strange indeed. Im well over the special attack hit cap and shouldnt be missing at all. I wonder, do some fights/mobs cast a debuff that reduces the hit chance? I need to research that. In game/vent interview is fine. Thanks for the consideration. [edit] *** after researching on the forums , i was told that those misses were actually parries that WWS showed as misses for some reason. *** I thought it was strange b/c ive run with the same amount of hit for basically all WoTLK raiding content and never had a miss on a special attack in WWS. [edit]