I just bought the CD last night and have had a chance to listen to it a few times already. I can definitely say it's a solid CD from these guys. You can expect the same style as their last album. Out of most bands I would say these guys are the most current. They have no problem expressing their opinions on world matters throughout their CDs. I don't recall the name of the song but they attempt a heavier sound and it doesn't go over very well. It's not awful but I'm not a fan. My other pet peeve with all rock is the use of kids in songs. Just don't. It's fucking awful. Kids don't belong there. I hate it. The beginning of track 3 has kids making some god awful chanting sound. I realise the track is called Make it stop (septembers children). But they could have done without it. I believe the worst song I have heard with kids was POD - Youth of the Nation. POD was mediocre at BEST but when this song came out I totally wrote them off. I don't ever expect a whole hell of a lot out of Christian Rock bands anyway. But yeah....... Great CD. If you enjoyed their last albums this won't disappoint.
Megadeth had an album called Endgame released not too long ago. I'm sure it's about the same stuff politically. As for Rise Against, I've only gotten into a few of their songs.
i was hoping for another siren song of the counter culture damn it!!! but im listening to help is on the way......his voice dropped a lot doesn't sound like he can do higher pitched yells as much.