Hey XOO its Omilink from epic RF and im here to ask if you guys would come and try out RF dyansty. It's a fair server with very active gms and an overall good gaming community. As of next week we are incrementally rolling out updates to get us to the lvl 60 cap. With the increasing popluation I figured that we needed to call in epic's best cora guild. That would be you all. I was recently informed that you guys are playing in Rf Legends. It's a crappy bugged server compared to dynasty. The cora in dynasty need you guys since there are like a billion acc, and the bells...well we all love to blow yellow and blue maus now dont we ^_^. Well give it some thought and give it a shot. My IG name on cora side is Omilink. here's the website http://www.rfdynasty.com
lol hey, as you know we gave up on epic and are now playing EliteRF. (2.2.3 patch with lvl 65 cap, armour and weapons) Got quite a few active people playing there but im not sure we will be moving any time soon. You're better off speaking to Senrai though as he is head of the RF division.
Give us all 3 lvl 60 toons and +6 gear and we would move other then that I don't think anyone wants to start again for the 424826740267904 time! P.S I don't even play
I heard about Elite's little 60 gear problem and the Ymaus coming to rape all. My offer's still open >_> Cora's here on dynasty could sure use you guys
I'm just coming back now. Was sick of EpicRF. Fail at allowing me to keep my items in the transfer and the "bell cock sucking party" going on. Didn't make much sense to keep playing there. Anyways, I'll be getting on Elite, as that seems to be where the guild is. Getting the client right now.