I'm not 100% sure where to post this, as I don't see a request section anywhere for particular XoO related graphics. I'm creating a recruitment post for Aion (NA) to place in the official forums. Of course for graphics purposes I'd like to have a header in the post with the XoO Logo and Xen of Onslaught and www.xoohq.com. Aprox. 750x200 (Width x Height) in dimensions. Something of similar colors the the Dark Teal forum layout. Would be heavily appreciated if someone can help me with this. ^^
I just quickly made this, not sure if its what you are after. Simple and effective. Also, we have a large advertisement image too if its any good to you.
This is actually exactly if not better than I was looking or hoping for~! You most definitely have my thanks!!
Glad I could be of help. Send me a link when you have the advertisement up. I would like to view your end result ^_^
Here you go Kazzier: http://forums.na.aiononline.com/na/showthread.php?p=1018765#post1018765 Unfortunately the page stretches just a bit because NCSoft's website is just a tad fail. ^^ EDIT: And yeah I stole some recruitment bits from Kyoji's TERA thread, lol. Fixed the page stretching.