i saw that this guild is recruiting a ret pally/pallys.my ingame name is smackahoe. i have vent and a mic. please whisper me.
Yes, you must fill out an application for consideration to become a trial member. WoW Sargeras - Xen of Onslaught does not do in game applications. This does not mean you cannot communicate with someone in game for further review or to ask any questions/express any concerns. We are willing to talk to you in game. Unwillingness to fill out an application will be interpreted as a lack of dedication to our goals as a progression guild. Our application can be found in the second post here: http://www.xoohq.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6812. If you are truly interested please fill it out and post it.
please fill out the application. as much as we can use a solid ret pally, we do need an app. a character audit shows you around 232 as optimal, which is reasonable for what we're looking for at this time, as it would mean ToC gear would be the only step up from where you are.
timed out with no response. spot filled with a person that elected to come back to raiding. thank you for your interest if not your effort in posting an application.