WARNING: This video is not for NORMAL people...they will simply stare at the screen with a blank look on theY FACE... This video will only be appreciated by weirdo's, psychopaths, the insane, bots, spyders, androids, your weird uncle, and that one guy at the pub who is always talking to himself in the corner scribbling into that notebook....actually he made this. F.A.C.E.: A collaborative film experiment by M dot Strange and friends. It seems like something you would see playing in an art gallery....youtube is my art gallery and cinema right now so here you go..... the creator of "We are The Strange"... If you liked this you will love that..its on youtube
I only wish artists could ever get the spelling of words right. >:I I've seen one or two artists who do work like this. It's madness, kind of fun, but hard to interpret.
I actually really liked that, it made me feel pretty terrible but that was part of the goal of the video IMO. Pretty powerful art. I wish I knew sign language though.