Randall Wolfcry

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Randall Wolfcry, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. 1. Age (18+ Requirement): 22

    2. Name (Forum & IGN): Randall Wolfcry :: IGN: (undecided first name based on gender of char) + Wolfcry // "Sister of Divinity" if I make a Priest

    3. Class: Interested in: Priest (Leaning towards Cleric) / Scout (Leaning towards Ranger)

    4. Do you have vent and a mic?: Yes indeed.

    5. Previous gaming experience: Guild Wars: 3+ years. Spent the first 2 years playing barely anything except Monk.

    6. Why did you chose XoO: I was referred by Kyoji on Aionsource.com and, from their activities in Guild Wars, I recognized the XoO name and know XoO to be a reputable guild.

    7. Do you have a referal?: Kyoji on Aionsource.com

    8. A little bit about yourself:
    I'm a college student in Oregon pursuing majors in Linguistics and Japanese. I do well in school but I really just don't have that serious student attitude. :p

    I've been hooked on computer games ever since Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition :D and I entered the MMO (-ish) world when my cousin introduced me to Guild Wars. I've tried/trialed some other MMOs and there were a lot of nice things about them but I just didn't feel that special (love?) connection with them, especially since I had fallen madly in love with Guild Wars since the beginning, and would still be madly in love with it if the (my) community was still alive.

    MMOs I've tried: EVE, Lineage 2, Silkroad, WoW
    I won't expound on these here, if you want me to, just ask.

    I guess I should talk about my thoughts about play-style or what-not. Basically I'm pretty open to doing anything. I've spent long periods of time before just farming my ass off all day and then turned around a day later and started PvPing exclusively for another big length of time. Usually if someone suggests "Hey, everyone, let's go do X,Y or Z!", I like to come along and be able to work with the group to reach some goal (whether it be a fruitful endeavor or just experimental fun), or just sit in vent and talk about stupid pointless shit. I like to participate in the community and sort-of have a blurred distinction between the community enjoying the game, and myself enjoying the game. (I guess this kind of community mindset makes me an honorary Asian or something... o_O)

    I often like to explore the boundaries/possibilities of the games I play. I've often been found trying out experimental skill sets in my downtime, or trying to figure out how I could solo a mission/instance that no one has ever soloed before. If I don't succeed, I still feel good knowing I put conventional knowledge/assumptions to the test and confirmed them for myself. I get a lot of pleasure from trying to think beyond the realm of traditional convention like that.

    Well then, I think I'll call it good here. If you feel compelled to make any further inquiries, just inquire away. Thanks for reading!
  2. Kyoji
    Veteran Staff Member Admin

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Indiana, U.S.
  3. Oh, so sorry. I overlooked that. Done.
  4. Kyoji
    Veteran Staff Member Admin

    Jun 22, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Indiana, U.S.
  5. Thanks :) I'll start scootin' around the forums.