How old are you?: 23Do you have teamspeak and a working microphone: YesTell us about your past gaming experience: I have played just about every big mmo except lineage and WOW. Aion, eve, and archeage have been the most recent mmos. Eve was for 9.5 years and i was a primary FC for red alliance. On Aion i played for 2 years or so and i was a raid leader on triniel. Zikel. And vaizel servers for the asmodians. Now i am a raid leader for our archeage division and run raids daily.Tell us about your past XoO experience: I have been playing with the archeage division throught launch. I am one of the primary raidleaders and I have been conducting diplomacy between XoO and a large group of guilds on our faction. I have really enjoyed XoO this far and cant wait to get an orange veteran icon some day!Describe a situation where you had to step up and accomplish a task you weren't assigned to do.: Well. On archeage we are severally outnumbered by the enemy faction. To combat this I have set upon myself the task of uniting our torn faction and bringing the server together to kill the enemy faction. The XoO reputation has gone a long way in achieving this. I have created a list of all of the active pvp guilds, who the leadership is, and ts info. Then i am organizing raids for all the greens to run tradepacks and pvp against the enemy. It not only attracts players to our guild but will also increase the reputation we already have earned.Describe a situation where you lead a team to accomplish a task: Well. I am a raid leader so everytime i put a raid together we have a purpose. Recently it has been securing zones to run commercial packs through for gold. I have run a bunch of raids ranging from pve to pvp and from as few as 3-4 people to as many as 100 people. I keep a calm demeanor and focus on what must be done.If selected to be an organizer for H1Z1, what would your first 10 steps be: 1. Learn the games basics 2. Check out content and analyze the goals to succeeding in that game 3. Create a plan of how to accomplish all of the things we want to accomplish 4. Develop an interest within the guild and grow a starting membership. 5. Push alpha and beta participation. 6. Organize finances and guild leadership structure. 7. Practice the best strategys to acquire high value things in game for when game releases 8. Organize the players and help teach them the game and what works 9. Grow the membership base in game forums and more large scale recruitment 10. Get very invloved with the games forums and try to show XoO as one of the pinnacles of the games community in terms of respect snd playstyleXoO References: Calabane. Kyoji. Aeva. Gauntlet.
I do have some meetings for the archeage division and some alliance stuff im doing. But ill be on teamspeak in an archeage channel. Ill watch for you