Totally missed the opening of this one, but thankfully the beta will be going for sometime. I been following this one awhile, it is suppose to boast action combat such as Tera/C9/Dragon Nest, etc. And focuses on the Monster Hunter aspect of fighting large monsters and crafting gear. Most of the site seem to be out of keys but I was able to get mine from Edit: This game has really really impressed me so far, interesting skill mechanic as well as mobs are active, colorful and vivid. Boss tree, hit like a tank. Had the ability to PBAoE Root which I was able to dodge away and then firebolt kite. Giant frog, he spit gunk as a frontal cone also leap high into the air to slam the ground(really high into the air, found him cause I aw him leaping over buildings/scenery). Picked up a skeleton warrior's sword, gave me a heavy damage strike + furry of blows ability. Watching another newbie fight a mob. Two of the bigger mobs I have fought so far, they do roughly 5-8% damage on a normal swing and 20-30% damage on a power attack. Also mobs drop items that can be picked up and used, a kind of environmental weapon that changes your skill bar. At 10 skill ranks you can hybrid your character, so I plan to make a Ice Armor + Shield Sword.
Looks pretty cool. I'll have to check it out. It's interesting to see the whole Monster Hunter type gameplay explode on the market lately. I'm all for the new gameplay type. **BTW, just got my key from Curse**
There is only one world, feel free to whisper me as Insight. If we got one or two other people it might even be worthwhile making a guild. Also epic screens, Oh Wait, I can interact with the cannon! O_O