just picked one up from work ... traded in my 670 and a PVR i had laying around ... gonna run some arma III and BF4 in a bit with my buddy ... if anyone wants benchmarks let me know ( i do not know if i am the first of us ) http://gyazo.com/a6b58e9568d54c20113125a0456d12ec
Nice one man, tell me how it goes !!! I tried 3 times to buy that card, without success... Geforce GTX 780s are down to 499$ CA on Newegg.ca since the TI is out now i'm really, REALLY, hesitating.
well my crucial M4 SSD decided it just didnt wanna turn on anymore .... So i just had to buy an Intel 530 SSD ... re setting up windows 7 again ... let me know what yall want me to test
Oh hm did u try the thing where u just plug the power of ur crucial for a while and then replug it ? U can look for it online when crucial M4 ain't detected anymore it happens quite a lot. That thing worked for me 2 times so far it got detected again and i was able to boot. I still had to return one of the crucial tho (never gonna buy that brand again). Just test on BF4 if u got it plz and hm whatever other game
here we go since i have 3dmark 11 for free http://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/7626051 vs http://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/5526278 gonna try and flip the *uber mode* switch see what happens
Very much considering getting an R9 290, sold my msi 7950 for a hair shy of $400, so im now in the market, glad to see its working out pretty well. to bad the custom PCB R9's aren't out yet. Also, the thread you are looking for: http://www.overclock.net/t/1442692/vc-powercolor-radeon-r9-290-unlocked-into-r9-290x/0_40
I have a link somewhere in a random post on these forums... Let me find it EDIT here: http://www.overclock.net/t/1445030/is-your-r9-290-unlockable-find-out-here
I am not gonna flash it no real reason to ... i already run everything ultra 90+fps except i cant get above 30 in arma III
That's cause the ARMA engine is just terrible on optimizations. Always has been, probably always will be.
it is noisy but not much more than my 670 was with my own FAN tune on it ... things run great .... i rock a sound blaster omega recon headset so i do not hear it anyways I am going to crossfire them in a few weeks
Drivers. Why? Your single card is powerful enough to run any application. In crossfire aren't you just going to introduce micro stutter?
Dont look into micro-stutter or you will become paranoid about your hardware But with a really high fps you wouldnt even notice the micro-stutter if it ever exists because the frames are so fast already anyway. The less powerful your cards, the worse the stutter becomes.