Pwnnoob 80 arms warrior

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by pwnnoob, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. pwnnoob

    1. Talent spec(s): discuss theorycrafting choices or dual talent spec experience as well as stats for other specs
    arms/prot warrior--
    2. List Professions you have and how they help your raid performance
    3. How long have you played WoW and what are your PvE accomplishments (include other toons if needed)?
    1 year yea pve-----
    4. How much do you PvP and how will it impact raiding?
    i pvp lil bit with friend that it
    5. How old are you? Maturity and dedication are of utmost importance. 18 is required with limited exceptions.
    6. Where do you live (state/country) and what is the living arrangement (wife, children, dorm, etc)?
    7. Current occupation (outside of WoW) and does it create any scheduling issues with raiding?
    work lil bit and play with friend ----
    8. What guild and/or server are you coming from and why? What do you expect Xen of Onslaught to provide better? (Make sure to include your old guild or we could confuse it with you joining someone else).
    my old guild its was alt guild----
    9. How did you hear about Xen? List any personal references within the guild and expect them to asked about your raiding ability or confirmation of for friend rank.
    limegreen talk about me 4 this guild-------
    10. <What and how many consumables do you plan to have in preparation for each raid? What do you do when there is no fish feast?
    i buy 2 alchemy pot i eat my food-----
    11. Our raid schedule can include Monday-Thursday from 7:00-11:00 PM CST (Sargeras Server time) with the occasional Sunday raid for progression (and sometimes skipping Tuesdays for farmed content or patch days). What would be your most likely scheduling conflict if any?
    all time you doing to say me------
    12. Submit a damage meter of some kind (or healing meter). If one is not available, explain why. (Tanks do dps too so don't use that as an excuse)
    32 crit 4100 ap my buff-----
    13. Provide a picture of your UI, preferably in Raid combat(at least in a 10-man) and a list addons that you use, so we know you can see those big colored rings of death appearing below your feet.

    14. You are done unless you have any final comments to help out your application.Upon completing this application you will be assumed to understand and agree with the raiding policy as posted.
    im realy good guys i luv everyone <3 :)--
  2. Neptuno

    Sep 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Watching over 150 nukes sitting in the ground
    application and details listed don't seem to make complete sense... im not sure what level of membership you are seeking based on this app... im guessing english is a secondary language from it though, which isn't a problem from a raiding standpoint.

    ill get with one of the warriors to see what arms stats and spec is compared to yours though to see how it stacks up for our 25 man raids, if not, we can bring you in at member until you are.
  3. Ologhai

    Jun 23, 2008
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    Saw him in trade chat offering to sell his warrior. I asked him if he had applied to Xen and only reply I got was "idk". Not sure if it was a joke or not but this guy looks like unnecessary drama. Gear looks like stuff you can get pugging Naxx 25 and not a single Ulduar heroic or 10 man piece. Couple all that with the bad app and looks like we got a shitty warrior or an alt on our hands.
  4. Neptuno

    Sep 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Watching over 150 nukes sitting in the ground
    yeah, him and the mostly pvp geared paladin were both in MURKIN n LURKIN, this guy was told to app by Lime "because he's funny in vent" then apparently the person took the warrior back and this person's playing on a dk now?
  5. Corpseater

    Sep 28, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Want to buy guild comedians?