* Race: Asmodians * Server: Perento 1. Age (18+ Requirement): 23 2. Name (Forum & IGN): Puppy / Puppy 3. Location + Timezone: UK(London) + GMT(BST) 4. Class: Warrior(Gladiator) Holding Character, But can role any class you want. 5. Do you have vent and a mic? Yes, Vent + Mic all good to go. 6. Previous gaming experience: MMOs: Lineage,Lineage2(Puppy), Planetside(DSNorth), Neocron,Neocron2(Ownage), RFOnline(Divine,Accretia), ArchLord(Divine), EveOnline(Pupppy UK). 7. Why did you chose XoO: I have seen you guys around for a while, first met you in Archlord, You seem to be moving to Aion with enthusiasm, and you guys were definatly a worthy opponent in RFOnline. 8. Do you have a referal?: Not to speak of, but im sure I could get one for the sake of asking, I know Excalibre for quite some years now, You coudl ask him for a referal. 9. What will you contribute to the guild? I play on a daily basis, I have been playing MMO's for many years, and understand what it takes to succeed, Im a team player, happy to help out, I level fast, and kill hard. 10. A little bit about yourself: well, my names Dan, im 23 from the UK, I work in IT, into my cars, and my bikes, If im not playing games, im either at work or on the race track, Only tother thing that pulls me away from my games if the GF, but she works a lot. Also kinda into my photoshop / gfx design, have been for many years, so if you need a sig knocked up, feel free to ask. 11. Activity Level? (hrs/week): 35 hours a week easy. Probably a hell of a lot more. 12. Applied to usergroup? Yes sir.
Hey, thanks for your application. Ive Pmed you the vent details so let me know when you are able to jump on and have a quick chat about the app