Project Reality v.98

Discussion in 'Other Games (Not Listed)' started by Strider, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. Strider

    Oct 19, 2012
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    Ive been playing this game since it was v.3 so thats about 5-6 years now and I still do sometimes with friends. If you are into tactical 1st person shooter, this is your game. Currently a mod for BF2 but in near future it goes as a stand alone game. In order to play this game you do need a copy of Battlefield 2 v1.5. If any of you actually have played this mod please PM me maybe we can make a game or two. here is a fan made clip put together that about sums up what the game is like.

    here are some links to the website and download section.

    if you want any further info on the mod you can reach me over Steam:Strider(w/ jet icon) or Xfire:mrlordlt
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2014