Title says it all, which do you like better? Opera? Firefox? K-Meleon? Whats your poison? I might want to switch browsers, but I am not sure. Any suggestions?
http://webkit.org/ or Firefox. Webkit beats the shit out of every other browser in compliance and speed, bar none. It's the engine Safari runs on, but it's the unreleased new one. So fast.
I use IE7. There is too much stuff that I use that Firefox 3 butchers. Plus you can get addons for pretty much any browser that gives them the same features. I use an addon for IE7 called IE7Pro. It adds things like adblock, more robust tabs, gestures, session manager, etc.
lulz. I have a Flash drive that I use Firefox Portable. I don't need to use any other browser anymore.
Also Firefox (3). Various reasons, mostly related to working faster than IE, having better search and favorite/bookmark features, and having a much cooler logo. I do keep IE7 around for badly-designed websites though. I look forward to the day IE8 comes out and all the tards have to re-write them after a barrage of "your website doesn't work" calls from Joe Average.
Firefox for me. The address bar functionality brought in with 3.0 is very useful, once I learnt how to use it. I run the following extensions: - Flashblock, which takes care of all the annoying advertising, and stops badly built websites from grabbing all my bandwidth for their flash. - Nuke anything, to remove any format breaking images people post with two simple clicks. - Linky, to allow me to highlight a bunch of links then open them all in new tabs at the same time. So although I have no real problem with other non-IE browsers, I won't even be looking at them unless they have something to match those features. I won't be touching IE again, unless I have to, until Microsoft does some major work to making it secure. I'm talking about dropping Active X completely and reducing how tightly IE is bound into windows before I'll even start paying attention to it.