Who uses powerpoint for presentations? Really? Presentations are boring. So... I made a video instead. Haha, I made this for a discussion at school everyone was supposed to make one. What do you think?
Letting it sit through that song is a terrible idea. It brings nothing to the table since its in japanese and I doubt anyone knows what she is saying. Its just boring staring at one picture for 4 minutes to a music style that most people won't enjoy. Add in some actual slides with the music at least. More info is always good. Previous projects you've worked on, stuff you are working on, maybe you've been in contact with a gaming company for an internship, etc. Present something. Though the text part was nifty you can divide it up into smaller parts and add in more presentation to each one. That way you can make the text bigger and easier to see. Pictures of the systems you played, etc. If you can turn down the music during the slides it will allow more focus on the content instead of trying to figure out what the music is supposed to be. The presentation is about you not crazy rukia jammin out. How long is the presentation supposed to be? Maybe change the half naked twelve year old to something else. Its kinda creepy to be showing an entire class who may or may not understand anime. Sorry if I'm being a dick but that's not a presentation.
I would like to suggest some changes to the About Me section. I'm not a fan of the wood grain back ground. Too much visual noise. The text is very hard to read. The scrolling text looks amateurish. I would like to see the facts laid out a bit bigger maybe and in bullet format because it is so hard to read. Idk how much you have to talk during this presentation but I know many people hate it when the presenter just reads off the slides. So if you have to present make sure you have extra to say about your text. I agree with many of the points Sokar makes. Maybe make it a bit more neutral if you want to stick some kind of music in there but the images and music are tailored to a very specific audience which your class mate and more importantly your professor might not enjoy. Just some helpful tips. I'm not trying to be mean.
what is the discussion supposed to be about? it would help to know what you are trying to achieve before critiquing this or giving any input. you are obviously thinking outside the box and trying to be creative, which is great! Sokar and Communist have made some good observations already, so I won't go into it. good luck on the project
Yeah the text seems to be bunch up in front of a background that is hard to read. Maybe you can break that short paragraph down into smaller bits and have backgrounds for each. Maybe give more details about why you skipped the Super NES (Something small not to long I.E. "I just didn't like it" or "I thought the Sega was a better console") Other than that it seems good just make sure you end the song and video when its over.
I present nothing it just gets thrown up on a forum as an attachment. As for the comments above I was told to use 5 different things within powerpoint. I chose to make mine less of a presentation and more of a video due to the way it was being distributed. No one was forced to stay on that slide to listen to the rest of the song I only did that for the sake of the video. Clicking immediately after that would have ended the slideshow. This was an ungraded assignment and I had already spent a few hours on it so I cut it off before I was completely happy with the results as well. I agree with quite a few of the critiques above I just chose to end it rather than wasting more of my time.