If any of these games interest you,or if you are interested in squad based FPS games/Military Sims then I have a proposition for you. I have recently purchased 5 ARMA games that I'm wanting to give to other XoO members who would be willing to get together once a week to work as a squad in a massive game. The game though awesome as hell does not have alot of popularity at the moment. But we will be working with other clans as a squad during their dedicated play times once a week. If you played Planetside, you could relate it to but more of a modern day military sim type of way. The map is much larger than a planetside continent or a battlefield map. I believe there is 60ish vehicles, loads of weapons. There is singleplayer(stupid Ai with unbelievable aim),and coop, but where this game really shines is in huge mp battlefield warfare. But not even just that The editor allows you to create your own scenarios build your own maps or anything. A LARGE sandbox with you in control. You can make this game like GTA or even play it like an RTS as shown http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsUk3kIgUZA&feature=related Here are a couple youtube videos showing the multiplayer(too many to list) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsTHhh48m7s&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xx-C57IhgOA&feature=related Are you a sniper? This is about the best sniper game out there. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=armed+assault+sniper&search_type=&aq=f Pilot? Probably the best nondedicated flight sim out there http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=armed+assault+pilot&search_type=&aq=f paratrooping? nothing better http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZH3wllJgdw&feature=related Air support? http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=arma+air+support&search_type=&aq=f Stunts,motorcycles...race cars...I could go on and on.. Anyway...If you have interest in partcipating in weekly events playing this game. let me know and I will send you the game. Serious enquiries only.
Let me know when you set anything up Dash. I have it, just haven't installed yet. Ya I know.. I need a bigger hard drive. -_- Have you looked at this? Theatre of War A vid promoting it. It looks like something that would also be fun.
Is this the game that the Operation Flashpoint guys splintered off and made? I remember a friend saying that there is an Operation Flashpoint 2 being made but, it wasn't by the same guys because they left.
Yea it sounds like fun. Massive FPS FTW. I think I talked to you about this game and I thought it was something else. This actually does look fun.
The demo in case you guys aren't 100% sure about it. http://files.filefront.com/ArmADemoUSexe/;7257216;/fileinfo.html The wiki. A nicely made blackhawk down movie.
The game looks pretty fun with a bunch of people. I'd be interested but with Warhammer coming out next month I know I won't have time for much else XD.
Ive been out of the XoO loop for a bit too long to be fair, been wanting a new game to get back into it with, would be interested in this for sure if you still have any spots left let me know dash bud. Ive seen videos of it before and must say it looks awesome fun, made by the same people as OFP i think? Bohemia studios but dont quote me on that. wow, i remember the days whilst we played OFP waiting for Planetside beta hehe lonnnnnnnnnng time ago
also dont know if anyone has seen these before, very cool kit... works brilliant with ARMA too http://www.naturalpoint.com/trackir/ Think i might just have to pick one up for this game, the advantages of having this are huge
I dont know if I'd want that Id rather keep my attention on the screen than have to move my head to see something
Things I like about this game: No jump key.. so no bunny hopping. A headshot is a headshot, you be dead Reloading a SAW does not take a year and a day. Q & E lean your char, double tapping them locks that and leaning while prone makes you roll left or right. Tapping the right mouse button brings up iron sights, scope, etc.; holding the right mouse button makes you hold your breath and zoom in a bit more with steadier aim. You can hold your breath with at anytime, even if not scoped. There is walking, running and sprinting. The longer you sprint, the more out of breath you are and harder it is to aim If there is a window in a vehicle.. you can get shot through it. If a vehicle takes damage, it's speed may be decreased, it can turn slower, smoke may come from the engine and the windows will get all cracked up depending on where it has taken damage. Yes vehicles are powerful things.. but they can be taken down by infantry. You can shoot the rotor of a helicopter and watch it try to fly If your system is good enough for long draw distances, then what you see is what you can hit depending on your weapon. Like sniping? Take targets out from over 1k away, just remember to adjust aim for elevation and lead your target if they are moving. The weapons and vehicles are modeled after their real world counterparts. Did I mention there are a ton of vehicles and weapons? The 203 takes a bit to get a feel for aiming it. It is not a "noob tube" in this game. Flying is not easy. I'm sure it can be done without a joystick, but I'd prefer not to Although not easy I can see where being good at flying would pay off, some nice helis and planes in this game. There is more, but I think you get the idea Also tons of vids on youtube and check the demo to get an idea.
i strongly suggest you check out videos on youtube using TrackIR, you dont actually need to move your head all that much and probably move it about as much as it would take without realising sometimes (think you can also change sensitivity)... works REALLY well when flying or driving vehicles, hell even as a foot soldier it works wonders. You have to see it to believe it to be fair
XShrike, That is correct ARMA is technically OFP2. And for the Fan boys of the original OFP, the current OFP2 is not technically the sequal but OFP3. ARMA has soo much modding opportunity to it, scripts, massive combat, it's one of the most realistic war sims (World War II Online would also be a very realistic sim). I have really enjoyed making some interesting scenarios for LAN parties with ARMA. Dash, I am definately up for any OFP or ARMA battles. I am still going through the recruiting process. Did the interview, and now on the next step.