Never use Microsoft products if you can use an alternative. If you are forced to use one, always be on the look-out. Can't wait to see microsoft zealots and their ball-licking attitude defend this. In a nutshell, critical security vulnerability affecting all Microsoft Windows OS since (and including Windows) 2000.
lol thats pretty funny....wait all my shit is windows *freaks out* o well i dont deal with anything important the most they would find would be my porn which if they asked i would show it to them anyways lol
Oh my god, people can LOOK at my files! Oh wait, who really gives a shit? If you have something private you can easily protect them... And at least the released a patch. And personally, I hate Microsoft but they're a hell of a lot better than the alternatives IMO (See; Apple)
Yeah? And switch to Mac OSX or Linux? Are you mad about the fact that an exploit was discovered in the most used operating system or about the fact that they offered a fix for it? And according to you I obviously lick balls because I defended Microsoft againist a load of stupidity. Hehe
Get a good firewall and you would of been protected anyway. Even on the default settings. In other words, not something I'm too concerned about. Not as bad as some of Microsoft's other horrible ideas, like having hidden file extensions as the default setting. I can't see a single reason why hiding file extensions is ever a good idea, but I've heard of plenty of attack vectors consisting of executables pretending to be safer file types like jpegs.
Newbs accidentally trying to rename their files going to far to the right. Not many people know of undo buttons either.
Windows warns you when you change the file extension. So it shouldn't be too hard for it to simply refuse to allow changing file extensions until a setting is changed somewhere.
"Microsoft is aware that detailed exploit code demonstrating code execution has been published on the Internet for the vulnerability that is addressed by security update MS08-067. This exploit code demonstrates code execution on Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003. Microsoft is aware of limited, targeted active attacks that use this exploit code. At this time, there are no self-replicating attacks associated with this vulnerability. Microsoft has activated its Software Security Incident Response Process (SSIRP) and is continuing to investigate this issue." "While there are no new broad attacks from this public exploit code now, we do expect that over the next few days and weeks this public exploit code may likely be used to create new versions of malware that could be used for broader attacks, possibly including self-replicating worms. Therefore, we continue to strongly encourage customers to test and deploy the security update as quickly as possible."