E3 is almost upon us. As with other big events (coughDiablo3cough) I'll be all over the big announcements and trailers and feeding them all to you. E3 2008 is July 14th to the 17th. I'll have each and every update and announcement posted here the second I get it. But to get you all warmed up... Gametrailer's Top Ten Most Anticipated Games of E3 2008 Edit...All announcements made by me will be edited into this post instead of making more and more useless posts. However if anyone finds anything unannounced here I will edit it into this post and link yours. If there is no post designated to the announcement, the link will direct to the source. July 10th - 2:30pm EST - Too Human Demo coming to XBox Live July 11th - 1:14am EST - Stormrise Debut Trailer July 11th - 6:12pm EST - Tom Clansy's End War E3 2008 Trailer July 11th - 7:23pm EST - Too Human E3 2008 Trailer July 12th - 12:24pm EST - Dawn of War II E3 Trailer - Eldar Released July 12th - 12:25pm EST - Fallout 3 E3 2008 Teaser July 13th - 1:27pm EST - Project Origin E3 2008 Trailer July 14th - 2:47pm EST - Rock Band 2 Tracklist Revealed July 14th - 2:47pm EST - Resident Evil 5 Release Date Announced July 14th - 2:47pm EST - Fable II Release Date Announced July 14th - 4:07pm EST - Fallout III Developer Walkthrough July 14th - 4:07pm EST - Resident Evil V Press Conference Walkthrough July 14th - 4:07pm EST - Fable II Press Conference Walkthrough July 14th - 4:16pm EST - Final Fantasy XIII Coming to X360 July 14th - 5:11pm EST - Gears of War II Press Conference Walkthrough July 14th - 7:09pm EST - Halo Wars E3 2008 Trailer July 14th - 7:09pm EST - Resident Evil V E3 2008 Trailer July 14th - 7:12pm EST - Final Fantasy XIII E3 2008 Trailer July 14th - 7:14pm EST - XBox 360: Copy Games to HDD July 15th - 1:29am EST - Mercenaries 2 E3 2008 Trailer July 15th - 1:13pm EST - The Agency on PC and X360 July 16th - 4:04am EST - Bungie Working On New Halo July 16th - 4:04am EST - Wolfenstein E3 2008 Trailer July 16th - 4:04am EST - I Am Alive Debut Trailer July 16th - 4:04am EST - Zelda and Mario Teams working on games July 16th - 4:04am EST - God of War III Debut Trailer July 16th - 4:04am EST - PS3 Title Claims 256 Man Multiplayer July 16th - 11:53pm EST - Pikimin coming to Wii July 16th - 11:53pm EST - 360 Dashboard could look like this
I can't wait for this it I hope there are some good announcements Hey PDog do you know anything about Mercenaries Playground of Destruction 2? I loved the first game and can't wait for the next one.
Games, games, games...I can't get enough games!! So many look good, too many look good. I can't wait until college starts back up, so I can get some gaming time again. Yes, I get more gaming time during college than I do during summer. It's a shame that my console has finally been left behind. I have a PS2 and alas God of War 3 and other new games have moved on to the PS3.
Electronic Entertainment Expose have revealed the full list of exhibitors set to appear at the event. * 1UP Network * Akella * Atari * Bethesda Softworks * Capcom * Crave Entertainment * Codemasters * D3 Publisher of America * Deep Silver * Disney Interactive Studios * Electronic Arts * Eidos Interactive * Fox Interactive * Indie Games * Jagex, Ltd * Konami Digital Entertainment * LucasArts * Majesco Entertainment * Microsoft Corporation * Midway Games Inc * MTV Games * Namco Bandai Games America, Inc * Natsume, Inc * Nintendo of America Inc * Novint Technologies, Inc * Nyko Technologies * Rebellion * SEGA of America * Serious Games Initiative * Sony Computer Entertainment America, Inc * Sony Online Entertainment Inc * Southpeak Interactive * Square Enix * Take-Two Interactive * Tecmo * THQ Inc * Toshiba America Information Systems * Ubisoft Entertainment Inc * Unexplainable Habits Entertainment * Valve Software * Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment Inc.
http://www.joystiq.com/2008/07/10/microsoft-bringing-home-too-human-demo-next-week/ First confirmed thing I am excited about... Too Human Demo on Xbox Live next week during E3. This game looks hott ^.^
An RTS by SEGA was revealed today under the name Stormrise. Looks like an interesting concept with more focus on "verticality". http://www.gametrailers.com/player/36013.html Edit: I would like to inform everyone that everything from here on out I find will be inserted into the 1st post and will not have it's own post unless it's an announcement. Meaning if it's just a trailer like this I'll just edit the first post. Make sure you keep an eye on that just as much as new posts in the thread.
Info is starting to roll in. Bumping this to bring it to your attention. Keep tabs on the first post.
Yeah, I'm a bit disappointed that they aren't coming to the big consoles anytime soon, but I'll take what I can get with KH over any medium. I'd really like to see them integrate some Chrono Trigger characters in the upcoming ones, but I'm sure that's just wishful thinking .
Im tired of the big war between the two. I just dont care anymore just gonna have to break down and buy a 360 too. I do love my PS3 I still think it was worth buying but there are alot of cool things comming to the 360. Still not going to buy a wii though.